Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Just This

Just this. Cold temperatures, and constantly people-watching at the square,
Learning how to dress for spring.
Just this. Taking the tram to some random stop, and gazing at all the historic architecture that passes me by, jaw agape, in awe at the wonders of old Prague.
My husband.
Being on the other side of the world.
Experiencing my first spring, after experiencing the late winter.
Seeing the sun and marveling at it.
Being able to walk around the park in sweater and purple tights, and gazing at the golden daisies, the birds celebrating the sun,
The chocolate Labrador scratching himself on the grass in joyous celebration, that, yes,
It is spring.
Just this.
Being away from home, far away.
Being in an altogether different world,
Despite the hardships.
Looking for work.
Desperately holding on to the notion of where my heart is,
Refusing to give up,
Refusing to join the masses, the forces, who are making a living out of what they hate.
Where my heart is.
Where is my treasure?
But just this.
How wonders never cease.
Geocaching with my husband on a cold Saturday.
Seeing the polar bears swimming in the zoo.
Holding my husband’s hand while walking down the park.
Just this.
Away from home.
Somewhere completely different.
Somewhere where there are cobblestoned streets,
And buildings that date back to 1342.
Just this.
Finding spring.
The beauty of not knowing where tomorrow will take me,
And where I will be six months from now.
Seven months from now.
Eight months from now.
A year from now.
Life is an adventure.

1 comment:

Frozen Lipstick said...

Just this my sweetie, just this precious hold. Just this makes you come a long long way. x