Today feels different. But then again, no day is ever the same, after all.
Still at the same place where I always write.
Coffee Heaven, somewhere in the heart of beautiful, whimsical Prague.
Today, I'm not reeling from a brief audition high (that buzz all actors get after an audition, or a performance), as I was last week, the last time I sat down at this very same Coffee Heaven to write down a few of my thoughts.
But each day, no matter how ordinary, still brings with it, always, something new and good. No matter how small. Today, it's just discovering that I feel more at home in Prague.
Entering Week 3.
Last week, I felt ill at east, wondering what do with myself.
Now, I feel more at home. No longer "namamahay" as we say in Filipino, or "looking for home," as the word comes from the root word for "home" or "house," bahay.
I am making this place home, slowly, daily.
Pushing myself to be busy. Even if, on Day 17, that just means commuting to this particular Coffee Heaven, or picking up some fruit at the hypermarket, good enough to last me the next few days.
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