I just came back from a one-hour walk in the park nearest me. Delicious. Just soaking up the sunshine and all that Vitamin D, and it just feels amazing. I take it that there will be just a little over 90 days of mega-sunshine left, before the weather starts getting chilly again, and overcast, and the days start getting shorter.
Right now we are on the cusp of a great summer, and I just realized that Czechs (and other Europeans who live in a place where there are four seasons) view the spring and summer as I would being on the beach - walking around half-naked, brazenly rejoicing in the sunshine and kind weather. After all, here in Prague, half the year is spent under overcast skies, gray everywhere, and 10 degree (Celsius) weather. That's not kind, although I suppose anyone who's lived here all their lives are used to it, and it has its charms of course, like that mulled wine I keep talking about, among many other delicious Czech traditions.
But now I see these Czechs in their tank tops and shorts, rejoicing in the sunshine, soaking up the warm golden weather. I thought I would do the same today, and so I did.
Rejoicing in the sunshine and warm weather.
I like it so much that I think that's the end of this blog for now.
I'm heading for the showers, then I'm taking my books with me and doing my work and reviewing (for the classes I'm teaching in English, and the classes I'm studying for as a student of the Czech language) outdoors and going back to that park.
Nothing like this sunshine could make me feel better.
Sunshine is marvelous.
And maybe a taken a little too for granted in Metro Manila.
But in Prague, I marvel. I marvel at the sunshine.