Nicely sedated on round the clock painkillers or
A spiritual epiphany during a dental ordeal/ Jan 2007
Let’s give you a brief background as to how my dental ordeal came about, just so you know what you’re walking in on …
Everyone is familiar with a root canal, right? Well sometimes, a tooth that needs a root canal can go unchecked for too long that whatever’s wrong with the tooth bleeds into the gums … so you not only have to undergo a root canal, but go through dental surgery as well. This means slicing your gums open so that they can take the dirt/gross-thing-suddenly-growing-in-your-gums out so you can be normal again.
Having said that, it is now obvious that this tale is not really for the faint-hearted.
I had to undergo this dental surgery on the upper and lower parts of my front teeth (two teeth, to be exact), and I just need to share the story with others, because I discovered several things (from the rather mundane to incredibly spiritual) while sitting there all tense in the dentist’s chair.
Firstly, in all my fear and tension, I found myself marveling at the wonders of anesthesia, and how I couldn’t feel a thing as I sat there. There I was, closing my eyes, knowing that they were slicing, hacking, drilling away into my gums and teeth, and that there must be blood all over. You’re thankful you cannot feel a thing, but just sitting there thinking about how your mouth must look like all agape like never before, and dripping, bloody at that … I could do nothing but squeeze myself for comfort.
It also made me realize, as my mind wandered around from fear towards the need for distraction, that we are so attached to our bodies, and are also such slaves to it. We live to please our bodies, to seek as much pleasure for it, and to protect it from as much pain. No wonder other people come up with schools of thought like religion, looking for something beyond just our bodies, which at times becomes something like a cage … we are trapped in our bodies, as we hurt and need to undergo surgery, we cannot leave our bodies (I wanted to for a few minutes!), we are married to it for the rest of our time here on earth. We must feed it, take care of it.
This is an exciting epiphany to come across, because just two years ago, I was celebrating and exploring the ideas of Epicureanism … that of seeking pleasure, enjoying your body, enjoying your senses, but just knowing it’s consequences. It is so exciting to explore and then exhaust one school of thought, and move on to another. Rather disconcerting to veer from on extreme to another.
But I think we’re getting too philosophical now, and all we were talking about was just teeth. But then again, you only have one set of teeth, they won’t grow back like hair.
It is an ordeal to be reminded of how vulnerable your body can be. Step out of the dentist’s chair all sore and in need of sedation, but what a beautiful time to reassess everything, including all the convenient distractions you have around you when you are healthy.
I would have closed on that romantic/philosophical thought, but just before I go, I can’t help but add a silly parting thought to everyone. This will mean several days of stitches for me, and it’s such a bother I can barely even get a spoon in my mouth. Even oatmeal, I have to ingest through a straw! I feel like such an invalid, I’m going to be so glad to get back to normal in a week. At least I’ll be skinnier by then, ha ha ha.
So everybody, enjoy your bodies, and your health. Relish those meals that you get to enjoy without thinking twice about it.
Happy New Year everybody!